Scholarly Works
Peer Reviewed Publications
Gerard, J.M., Scalzo, A.J., Borgman, M.A., Watson, C.M., Byrnes, C.E., Chang, T.P., Auerbach, M., Kessler, D.O., Feldman, B.L., Payne, B.S., Nibras, S.A., Chokshi, R.K., Lopreiato, J.O. Validity evidence for a serious game to assess performance oncritical pediatric emergency medicine scenarios. Simul Healthcare. 2018, Jan; PMID: 29377865.
Zand, D., Pierce, K., Thomson, N., Baig, M. W., Teodorescu, C., Nibras, S., & Maxim, R. Social Competence in Infants and Toddlers with Special Health Care Needs: The Roles of Parental Knowledge, Expectations, Attunement, and Attitudes toward Child Independence. Children. 2014, Feb; 1(1): 5-10. PMID: PMC4939514.
Zand, D.H, Pierce, K.J, Nibras, S.,Maxim, R. Parental risk for the maltreatment of developmentally delayed/disabled children. Sage Clinical Pediatrics. 2014, May; 54(3): 290-292. PMID: 24872338.
Abstracts/Posters Presentations
Masood, Y., Nibras, S. Association Between Religion and Spirituality and the Presenting Symptom in Psychosis Poster presented at American Psychiatric Association (APA), Virtual Annual Meeting, USA. 05/2021
Nibras, S., Wolf, K. Evaluating a Medical Educator Track (MET) in Psychiatry at Southern Illinois University: One Year Post-Implementation Poster accepted at SIUSOM 11th Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium, Springfield, IL, USA. 04/2020
Nibras, S., Sharma, V., Sharma, A., Takahashi, A. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Fellow Community Outreach to Educate High School Students about Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide Poster accepted at SIUSOM 11th Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium, Springfield, IL, USA. 04/2020
Nibras, S., Sharma, V., Sharma, A., Takahashi, A. Trainee Community Outreach to Educate High School Students about Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide Poster accepted at American Psychiatric Association (APA), Philadelphia, PA, USA. 04/2020
Shenoy, S., Nibras, S., Udaya-Shankar, J. The Ripple Effect: Children of the Opioid Epidemic and the need for Wraparound services Poster accepted at American Psychiatric Association (APA), Philadelphia, PA, USA. 04/2020
Nibras, S., Wolf, K. Evaluating a Medical Educator Track (MET) in Psychiatry at Southern Illinois University: One Year Post-Implementation Poster presented at American Association of Directors of Psychiatric Residency Training (AADPRT), Dallas, TX, USA. 03/2020
Nibras, S., Psychopharmacology in Complex Medically Ill Youth: What is the role of antipsychotics? Clinical Perspectives 73: Antipsychotic Medications: Use and Misuse AACAP Chicago, Illinois. 10/2019
Nibras, S., Yacim, M., Barnes, A. Difficulty of Finding Adequate Management for Transitioning Adolescents With Prader Willi Syndrome Poster accepted at American Psychiatric Association (APA), San Francisco, CA, USA. 05/2019
Shenoy, S., Nibras, S., Takahashi, A. Impact of training on attitudes and practices of brief screening, interviewing, intervention and referral for use and abuse of marijuana in adolescent Poster accepted at American Psychiatric Association (APA), San Francisco, CA, USA. 05/2019
Mukhtar, A., Nibras, S., Nasrallah, H. Lurasidone-Induced Mania: A Case Report Poster accepted at American Psychiatric Association (APA), San Fracisco, CA, USA. 05/2019
Nibras, S., Barnes, A. African American Youth Killed by Police: Suicide vs. Conduct Disorder Poster presented at American Psychiatric Association (APA), New York City, NY, USA. 05/2018
Book Chapters
Nibras S: Intellectual Disability. In Toy EC, Klamen DL. Case Files; Psychiatry. 6th Edition. Lange Medical Books/McGraw Hill, New York, New York, 11/2020
Nibras S: Generalized Anxiety Disorder. In Toy EC, Klamen DL. Case Files; Psychiatry. 6th Edition. Lange Medical Books/McGraw Hill, New York, New York, 11/2020
Nibras S: Separation Anxiety Disorder. In Toy EC, Klamen DL. Case Files; Psychiatry. 6th Edition. Lange Medical Books/McGraw Hill, New York, New York, 11/2020
Nibras S: Bipolar Disorder (Child). In Toy EC, Klamen DL. Case Files; Psychiatry. 6th Edition. Lange Medical Books/McGraw Hill, New York, New York, 11/2020
Nibras S: Alcohol Withdrawal. In Toy EC, Klamen DL. Case Files; Psychiatry. 6th Edition. Lange Medical Books/McGraw Hill, New York, New York, 11/2020
Nibras S: Enuresis. In Toy EC, Klamen DL. Case Files; Psychiatry. 6th Edition. Lange Medical Books/McGraw Hill, New York, New York, 11/2020
Nibras S: Phencyclidine (PCP) Intoxication. In Toy EC, Klamen DL. Case Files; Psychiatry. 6th Edition. Lange Medical Books/McGraw Hill, New York, New York, 11/2020