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NB Psychiatry

Teen Suicide And The Warning Signs

What is Teen Suicide

Suicide is a complex and sensitive issue, but it is crucial to address it. It occurs when a young person intentionally takes their own life. Before attempting suicide, they might experience suicidal thoughts or ideation. They may also engage in suicidal behavior. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide is the second […]

Illuminating the Mental Health Impacts of Daylight Saving Time (DST)

What is Daylight Saving Time (DST)?

Daylight Saving Time (DST) is the practice of setting the clocks forward by an hour during the summer months and then turning them back again in the fall. This is done to use natural daylight more efficiently. We gain an hour in November to have more daylight in the mornings, while we lose an hour […]

Spotting the Signs of Bullying

Signs of Bullying

Bullying is when someone repeatedly harms or intimidates another person or group. The person doing the bullying wants to have power and control over the target. Bullying can happen in different ways, like physical, verbal, psychological, or online. It can cause a lot of problems, like feeling bad about yourself, doing poorly in school or […]

Confronting the Challenge of Mental Health Stigma

Confronting the Challenge of Mental Health Stigma

Mental health has always been stigmatized and considered a taboo topic. Individuals suffering from mental health issues have always been looked down upon by other individuals and society at large. Such widespread prejudice towards those with mental health problems has always left many feeling isolated and embarrassed. This lack of empathy has created a mental […]

Exploring the Effects of Physical Activity on Mental Health

Exploring the Effects of Physical Activity on Mental Health

Physical exercise is crucial to maintain good physical health, but it also has a positive impact on mental health. Studies have shown that individuals who engage in regular exercise have improved emotional well-being and lower rates of mental illness. In fact, exercising regularly can decrease the likelihood of developing mental health disorders and can even […]

What is Stress Management? And How Stress Affects your Physical and Mental Health

Stress Management

Stress management refers to the process of understanding and coping with the effects of stress to maintain overall well-being. It involves adopting various techniques and strategies to reduce, manage, or eliminate the negative impact that stress can have on a person’s physical, mental, and emotional health. The goal of stress management is to assist people […]

“Living Well and Long: Eight Healthy Habits for a Longer Life”

Eight Healthy Habits for a Longer Life

By adopting eight healthy habits, middle-aged individuals can extend their lifespan significantly. In fact, according to a recent study, those who follow these habits can expect to live up to 24 more years (for men) and 21 more years (for women) than those who follow none of them. These eight healthy habits include Eight Healthy […]

Powerful Connection Between Sleep and Mental Health

Powerful Connection Between Sleep and Mental Health.

While it’s true that mental health disorders can make it harder to get a good night’s sleep, the reverse is also true – poor sleep can contribute to the worsening of mental health problems.   Specific Mental Health Problems Linked to Sleep Certain mental health issues are directly linked to poor sleep. Here, we will explore […]

Hot Weather and Mental Health: The Impact of Extreme Heat on Mind

Impact of Extreme Heat on Mind

A heat wave is affecting parts of the United States, including the Southwest and Southeast, as well as parts of Europe. The heat not only affects us physically, but it can also cause harm to our mental well-being. While applying sunscreen and staying hydrated is helpful, excessive heat can impact our mood and cognitive abilities. […]

The Hidden Connection: Chronic Illness and Depression

Chronic Illness and Depression

Understanding Chronic Illness Chronic illness refers to a long-term medical condition that persists over an extended period of time, usually more than three months. Chronic illness and depression can be caused by a variety of factors, such as genetics, environmental triggers, or even just plain bad luck. Examples of chronic illnesses include   Chronic Illness and […]

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